Years of Experience
Financial Adviser
Feb 2017- Today
Uncharted Wealth:
Debt Reduction (debt consolidation, budgeting)
Wealth Creation( investments, Debt Recycling strategies, Tax effective investments, Kids education bonds)
Tax minimization
Insurance - Death, Trauma, TPD, Income Protection, Group
Superannuation - Transition to Retirement, aged pension, asset allocations
Social Security : Age Care, Age Pension
Estate Planning for asset transfer
Para planning Training and mentoring
Business related Consulting:
Training and mentoring junior FP's
Compliance monitoring and checking
Holding Conferences with other business partners about updates to economy and industry
Training Paraplanners in regards to SOA structures.
Ensuring that files are up to date with upholding best interests duty
Liaison with other FP's about the SOA strategy and end to end process
Financial Adviser
March 2012- Feb 2017
Bank of Melbourne
Client Facing Adviser, looking after 7 branches across Bank of Melbourne in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
Looking after Bank of Melbourne clientele to assist with their goals and objectives and ongoing training with Business partners, Branch staff and customer service officers for working in the clients best interests.
Client Manager / Financial Adviser
Nov 2008- Mar 2012
WPS Financial Group.